Very fortunate to have world-renowned children's lit expert and professor Mira Reisberg reviewing the collaboration between myself and Julius Lester! The post on the Children's Book Academy blog contains a text and video review, plus and interview with yours truly. I've embedded the two videos below. Here is a quote from the text review:
Carl Angel does a magnificent job of bringing this legend-inspiring story to life. From the very beginning, Silence’s adoptive family of trees captures the reader’s attention and doesn’t let it go. While the trees do have humanoid characteristics, they are clearly enigmas with facial features reminiscent of wooden tribal masks seen in a wide variety of cultures. His work with color to provide impact and emphasize light and darkness is truly remarkable, and many of his illustrations have a slightly blurred soft-focus effect that adds to the mythical quality of Silence’s journey to save Yesterday.
If you want to read the complete text review, click here: